Parkinson, G[eorge] H[enry] R[adcliffe]:
Rezension zu/Review of: Spinoza, Baruch de: The collected Works of Spinoza : Vol. 1
In: Spinoza's Epistemology / Special Editorial Team: E. Curley; W. Klever; F. Mignini. - Alling : Walther & Walther, 1986: 419-423. - (Studia Spinozana ; 2)
Literature type: Reviews
Language: English
Subject: KV
Works reviewed: Spinoza, Baruch de: The Collected Works of Spinoza : Vol. 1 / Ed. and transl. by Edwin Curley. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Pr., 1985
Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
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