Strauss, Leo:
Hobbes' politische Wissenschaft
Neuwied [e.a.] : Luchterhand, 1965. - 189 pp.
First edition in the original language: Engl.: (1936)
Mention of Spinoza: Ausg./Ed. 2001: 7, 8, 10, 29, 41, 42, 82, 89, 106, 111, 196
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again: In: Leo Strauss : Gesammelte Schriften ; 3 [Hobbes' politische Wissenschaft und zugehörige Schriften - Briefe] / Hrsg. von Heinrich und Wiebke Meier. - Stuttgart [e.a.] : Metzler, 2001: 1-192 [2. Aufl. - 2008]
Englisch/English: Leo Strauss: The Political Philosophy of Hobbes : its Basis and its Genesis / Sinclair, Elsa (transl.). - Chicago : Chicago University Press, 1952. - XX, 172 pp. [Erneut/again: 1959, 1963, 1966, 1973, 1984] // In: Hobbes's Critique of Religion and Related Writings (transl. and ed. by Gabriel Bartlet and Svetozar Minkov). - Chigaco : University of Chigaco Press, 2011
Französisch/French: (1991)
Literature type: Monographs
Language: German
Thematic areas: Philosophy of politics and law, Comparison of theories
Subject: TP
Subject (individuals): Hobbes, Thomas
Autopsy: yes
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