Walther, Manfred:
Natural Law, Civil Law, and International Law in Spinoza
In: Cardozo Law Review : Spinoza's Law. Symposium. [Held at The Yeshiva University Museum at The Center for Jewish History, New York, in the Fall of 2002] 25,2 (2003), 657-665
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again in: Spinoza and Law (2015): [293]-301 // in: Natur, Recht und Freiheit : Spinozas Theorie von Recht, Staat und Politik im Kontext der Frühen Neuzeit. - Heidelberg : Winter, 2018 (Walther, Manfred: Spinoza-Studien 2 - Beiträge zur Philosophie : Neue Folge): 19-27
Portugiesisch/Portuguese (2024)
Literature type: Articles
Language: English
Thematic areas: Philosophy of politics and law
Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=5342&LANG=EN
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