Spinoza, Benedictus de:
De nagelate schriften van B.d.S. als Zedekunst, Staatkunde, Verbetering van't verstant, Briefen en antwoorden
Uit verscheide talen in de Nederlandsche gebragt [Hendriksz Glazemaker?] ; [Jarig Jelles]: Voorreeden
[Amsterdam] : [Rieuwertsz], 1677. - [24], 666 pp.
Works contained: S. Opera Posthuma (1677)
First edition in the original language: Lateinisch/Latin: In Opera posthuma (1677)
Other editions / translations: Erneut/again: [Jelles, Jarig: Praefatio] (1979)
Xerograph. Nachdr./xerographic repr. - Ann Arbor, ML : Proquest (Books on Demand) // Faksimile-Ausg./ed.: riproduzione fotografica integrale, complete photographic reproduction, P. Totaro [e.a.] (Hrsg./Eds.). - Macerata : Quodlibet, 2008
Literature type: Selected works of Spinoza
Language: Dutch
Subject: CG, E, Ep., TIE, TP
English commentary: First Dutch edition of the Opera Posthuma ; supposed translator: Hendriksz Glazemaker; Jarig Jelles 'Voorreede' contains a Spinoza-biography.URL: http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/spin003nage01_01/
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=497&LANG=EN
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