Bostrenghi, Daniela [e.a.] (Hrsg./Ed.):
Spinoza : La potenza del commune
a cura di Daniela Bostrenghi [e.a.]
Hildesheim : Olms, 2012. - VIII, 257 pp. - (Europaea Memoria : Reihe 1: Studien ; 91).
Works contained: Beiträge zum internationalen Kongress / Lectures at the international conference 'Spinoza. La potenza del commune' (Urbino, 28. Febr. - 2. März 2011):
Bordoli, Roberto ; Bostrenghi, Daniela ; Cámara, María Luisa de la ; Carporali, Riccardo ; Cerrato, Francesco ; Evangelista, Roberto ; Illuminati, Augusto ; Isola, Fiorella ; Jaquet, Chantal ; Manzi-Manzi, Sandra ; Nicusanti, Veronica ; Raspa, Venanzio ; Santinelli, Cristina ; Sévérac, Pascal ; Suhamy, Ariel ; Totaro, Pina ; Vinciguerra, Lorenzo ; Visentin, Stefano ; Volco, Agustin
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: French, Italian, Spanish
Thematic areas: Metaphysics / ontology, Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Ethics, Theory of society, Philosophy of politics and law
Subject: E, TTP
Reviews: Volco, Agustin (2012)
Autopsy: yes
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