Rotenstreich, Nathan; Schneider, Norma (Hrsg./Ed.):
Spinoza, his thought and work : entretiens in Jerusalem, 6 - 9 sept. 1977; [comm. the 300. anniv. of Spinoza's death]
ed. by Nathan Rotenstreich; Norma Schneider
Jerusalem : Israel Acad. of Sciences and Humanities, 1983. - 187 pp. - (Entretiens / Institut International de Philosophie (1977) : Publications of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities : Sect. of Humanities).
Works contained: Bar-On, Z. A. ; Belaval, Yvon ; Ben-Shlomo, Yosef ; Funke, Gerhard ; Hampshire, Stuart ; Kolakowski, Leszek ; Marcus, Ruth Barcan ; Marx, Werner ; McKeon [Mc Keon], Richard ; Naess, Arne ; Perelman, Chaim ; Pines, Shlomo ; Rotenstreich, Nathan ; Strawson, P. F. ; Urbach, E. E. ; Wright, G. H. von ; Yovel, Yirmiyahu ;
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: German, English, French
Thematic areas: Metaphysics / ontology, Philosophy of nature, Ethics, Reception history
Reviews: Niewöhner, Friedrich (1986)
English commentary: Conference report s. Moreau (1978)
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