Bayle, Pierre:
An historical and critical dictionary : transl. into English with many additions and corrections made by the author himself ; that are not in the French edition [vol. 3 von/of 4]
London : Harper [e.a.], 1710.
First edition in the original language: Franz./French (1697)
Mention of Spinoza: 2780-2805
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again: Repr. - 1734 // The Dictionary historical and critical of Mr. Peter Bayle : to which is prefixed the life of the author [...] / rev. by Des Maizeaux, [Vol. 5 von/of 5]. - London : Knapton, 1738: 199-224 // Repr. - New York [e.a.] : Thoemmes, 1984 [1997] // A General Dictionary historical and critical : in which a new accurate translation of that of Mr. Bayle is included [...] / Bernard, John Peter [e.a.] (eds.), [Vol. 9 von/of 10]. - London : Strahan, 1734-1741: 374-372
Auszüge/Extracts in:
An historical and critical dictionary [...], [Vol. 3 von/of 4]. - London : Hunt & Clarke, 1826: 347-272 // Selections from Bayle's dictionary [...] / Beller, Elmer Adolph [e.a.] (eds.). - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Pr., 1952 // Repr. 1969: 291-312 // The oldest biography of Spinoza / Abraham Wolf (ed.). - London, 1927: 160-165 // Historical and critical dictionary / Sel., transl. and ed. by Richard Henry Popkin. - Indianapolis : Bobbs & Merril, 1965 [erneut/again: Indianapolis : Hackett, 1991]. - (The Library of Liberal Arts): 288-338 // betitelt/entitled: 'Spinoza' in: Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg./Ed.): Spinoza : 18th and 19th Century Discussions (1999) : Vol. 1 ; 1700-1800. - [3. [15]-43]
Deutsch/German (1744)
Polnisch/Polish (2014)
Italienisch/Italian (1976)
Katalanisch/Katalan (1996)
Literature type: History of disciplines, encyclopaedias, manuals
Language: English
Thematic areas: Biography, Contemporaries and context
Autopsy: yes
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