Literature type | Articles |
Author | Adelphe, Louis |
Title | La formation et la diffusion de la politique de Spinoza |
Subtitle | Questions et hypothèses fondèes sur des documents nouveaux |
Title of magazine / anthology | Revue de synthèse historique |
Counting | 28, 2 |
Editor | Dirceteur: Henri Berr |
Editor (surname first) | Berr, Henri (Hrsg./Ed.) |
Place published | Paris |
Publisher | Cerf |
Year | 1914 |
Pages | [253]-280 |
Language | French |
Thematic areas | Philosophy of politics and law, Reception history |
Subject | E, TP, TTP |
Subject (individuals) | Witt, Johann de ; Colerus, Johannes |
Autopsy | yes |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | no |
Link to this page | |
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