Damasio, Antonio R.:
Ao Encontro de Espinosa : As Emoçôes Sociais e a Neurologia do Sentir
2. ed.. Lisboa : Europa-América, 2003. - 378, 6 : Ill. - (Forum de ciência ; 58).
First edition in the original language: Englisch/English (2003)
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again: 2012
Deutsch/German (2003)
Französisch/French (2003)
Italienisch/Italian (2003)
Niederländisch/Dutch (2003)
Spanisch/Spanish (2005)
Literature type: Monographs
Language: Portuguese
Thematic areas: Biography, Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind
Subject: E
Reviews: [d. engl. Ausg./of the English ed.]:
Ribeiro Ferreira, Maria Luísa (2004)
Espinosa, Luciano (2004)
[d. span. Ausg./of the Spanish ed.]:
Espinosa Antón, Francisco Javier (2006)
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=282&LANG=EN
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