Literature type | Articles |
Author | Yovel, Yirmiyahu |
Title | 'Amor fati" et "Amor Dei' |
Subtitle | Nietzsche and Spinoza |
Title of magazine / anthology | Spinoza - Science et Religion : De la Méthode Géométrique a l'interprétation de l'Écriture Sainte : Actes du Colloque organisé par Renée Bouveresse [...] au Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la Salle du 20 au 27 septembre 1982 |
Editor (surname first) | Bouveresse, René (Hrsg./ed.) |
Place published | Paris |
Publisher | Vrin |
Year | 1988 |
Pages | 89-94 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | 214 |
Language | French |
Thematic areas | Reception history, Comparison of theories |
Subject (individuals) | Nietzsche, Friedrich |
First edition in the original language | Hebräisch/Hebrew: [ahavat Elohim v-ahavat h-goral: Spinoza v-Nietzsche.]. - In: Iyyun 35 (1986): 151-179 |
Other editions / translations | Englisch/English: 1986 |
Autopsy | yes |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | no |
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