Adamson, Robert:
The development of modern philosophy (Vol. 1 von/of 2) : With other Lectures and Essays
Ed. b. W. R. Sorley
Edinburgh [e.a.] : Blackwood and Sons, 1903. - XLVIII, 358 pp.
Contains bibliography: XLV-XLVIII
Mention of Spinoza: Part. I. Chapter III. Spinoza: 58-66;
Chapter IV. Leibniz. His relation with Spinoza: 69-70;
Part IV. Chapter II. Schelling. The Spinozism of Schelling: 268-269
Other editions / translations: Erneut/again: 1908. - VIII, 364 pp. // 1930 // Kap. III und Auszüge aus Kap. IV/Chap. III and excerpts from chap. IV unter d. Titel/entitled 'Spinoza' in: Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg./Ed.): Spinoza: 18th and 19th Century Discussions, Vol. 5 : 1880-1888. - Bristol : Thoemmes Press, 1999. - vii, 292 pp.: [119. [268]-271]
Literature type: History of disciplines, encyclopaedias, manuals
Language: English
Thematic areas: Contemporaries and context, Reception history
Subject (individuals): Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm ; Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
Reviews: McTaggert, Ellis (1904)
Penjon, A. (1904)
Autopsy: yes
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