Literature type | Articles |
Author | Bernard, Walter |
Title | Psychotherapeutic principles in Spinoza's "Ethics" |
Title of magazine / anthology | Speculum spinozanum 1677-1977 |
Editor | Edited by Siegfried Hessing, with a foreword by Huston Smith |
Editor (surname first) | Hessing, Siegfried (Hrsg./Ed.) ; Smith, Huston (Vorw./Pref.) |
Place published | London [e.a.] |
Publisher | Routledge & Kegan Paul |
Year | 1977 [1978] |
Pages | 63-80 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | XXI, 590 |
Language | English |
Thematic areas | Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind |
Subject | E |
Other editions / translations |
Erneut/Again in: Philosophia sive Ethica : Interne Zeitschrift ; Gedenkschrift Walter Bernard (1902-1981), Den Haag : Internationaal Constatin Brunner Instituut, 1982: 32-43 // Deutsch als/German as: Psychotherapeutische Grundsätze in Spinozas "Ethik", in: Bernard, Walter: Spinozas Bedeutung für die moderne Psychologie. - Essen : Die Blaue Eule, 1005 (Brunner im Gespräch ; 3): 75-101 , |
Autopsy | yes |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | yes |
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