Elmas, Mehmet Fatih:
Sınırlardan Kırılmalara : Spinoza’nın Bilme-Koşullu Erdem Anlayışı (From Boundaries to Breaks : Spinoza's Conception of Knowing-Conditional Virtue)
In: İnsan, Toplum ve Siyaset / Hacıfevzioğlu, Ahmet Umut (Hrsg./ed.). - İstanbul : Sosyal Yayınlar, 2019: 195-229.
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: turkish
Thematic areas: Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=22556&LANG=EN
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