Garrett, Don:
The indiscernability of identicals and the transitivity of identity in Spinoza's logic of the attributes
In: Spinoza's 'Ethics' : A critical guide / Edited by Yitzhak Y. Melamed. - Cambridge [e.a.] : Cambridge University Press, 2017: 12-42. - (Cambridge Critical Guides)
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again in: Garrett, Don: Nature and Necessity in Spinoza's Philosophy. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2018: [263]-292
Literature type: Articles
Language: English
Thematic areas: Commentary of works, Metaphysics / ontology, Logic and mathematics, Previous history (e.g. Descartes, Stoicism), Contemporaries and context
Subject: E
Subject (individuals): Descartes, René ; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
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