Solé, Maria Jimena:
El spinozismo secreto de Lessing : Afinidades y coincidencias entre el filósofo maldito e el intachable ilustrado
In: Endoxa : Series filosoficas 27 (2011), 73-101
Contains bibliography: 99-101
Literature type: Articles
Language: Spanish
Thematic areas: Metaphysics / ontology, Ethics, Philosophy of politics and law, Reception history, Comparison of theories
Subject (individuals): Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich ; Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim ; Mendelssohn, Moses
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: "In this article, I propose to follow the tracks of Spinoza’s possibleinfluence on Lessing’s thinking. Based on the analysis of different texts ... we hold that there is a clear affinity between some of their metaphysical, ethical, and political positions." (from the abstract)URL: http://
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