Peirce, C[harles] S[anders]:
Spinoza's Ethic
In: Spinoza: 18th and 19th Century Discussions. Vol. 6: 1888-1900 / edited and introduced by Wayne I. Boucher. - Bristol : Thoemmes Press, 1999: [154]-157.
Other editions / translations: Zuerst/first [unsigniert/unsigned] in: The Nation. - LIX, 1532 (1894): 344-345
Literature type: Reviews
Language: English
Thematic areas: Ethics
Subject: E
Works reviewed: [Spinoza, Benedictus de]: Ethic : demonstrated in geometrical order, and divided into five parts [...] / translated from the Latin [...] by W. Hale White; translation rev. by Amelia Hutchinson Stirling. - 2, ed., rev. and corr, with new preface. - New York : Macmillan, 1894. - cv, 297 pp.
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