Spinoza, Benedictus de ; [White, William Hale]:
Tractatus de intellectus emendatione et de via, qua optime in veram rerum cognitionem dirigitur
translated from the Latin of Benedict de Spinoza by W. Hale White ; translation revised by Amelia Hutchison Stirling
London : Fisher Unwin, 1895. - XXX, 62 pp.
First edition in the original language: Lateinisch/Latin in: Opera posthuma (1677)
Mention of Spinoza: White: Introduction (V-XXX)
Other editions / translations: Erneut/again: London : Duckworth, 1899 // London : Dent and Sons, 1910 (Santayana, G.: Introcution ) // Freeport N.Y. : Books for Libraries, 1969 // [Vorwort/preface by White] in: Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg./Ed.): Spinoza: 18th and 19th Century Discussions, Vol. 6 : 1888-1900. - Bristol : Thoemmes Press, 1999. - vii, 297 pp.: [139. [188]-195]
Literature type: Individual works of Spinoza
Language: English
Subject: TIE
English commentary: English translation of TIEURL: http://www.archive.org/details/tractatusdeintel00spinuoft
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=15873&LANG=EN
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