Pollock, Frederick:
Lotsij's exposition of the philosophy of Spinoza : [Rezension zu/review of: Lotsij, Marius Cornelis Leendert: Spinoza's wijsbegeerte]
In: Mind 4 (1879), 431-439
Literature type: Reviews
Language: English
Thematic areas: Ethics, Reception history
Subject (individuals): Lotsij [Lotsy], Marius Cornelius Leendert
Reviews: Erneut/again in: Boucher, Wayne I. (Hrsg./Ed.): Spinoza: 18th and 19th Century Discussions, Vol. 5 : 1880-1888. - Bristol : Thoemmes Press, 1999. - vii, 292 pp.: [102. [93]-98]
Works reviewed: Lotsij, Marius Cornelis Leendert: Spinoza's wijsbegeerte. - Amsterdam : Sulpke, 1878. - [IV], 263 pp.
Autopsy: yes
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=15741&LANG=EN
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