Blakey, Robert:
History of the philosophy of mind : embracing the opinions of all writers on mental science from the earliest period to the present time [Vol. 2 von/of 4]
London : Longman [e.a.], 1850.
Mention of Spinoza: Chap. XIX. Benedict Spinoza: 355-384 ; Chap. XXIX. Boulainvilliers, Lamy, Wittich, and Nieuwentyt: 455-460]
Other editions / translations: Zuerst/first [teilweise/partial] in: Southern Quarterly Review 16, 31 (1849): 76-81
Erneut/again: ([Chapters XIX and XXIX] betitelt/entitled: Spinoza: His character and philosophy) in: Spinoza : 18th and 19th Century Discussions. Vol. 2: 1800-1855 / edited and introduced by Wayne I. Boucher. - Bristol : Thoemmes Pr., 1999. - vii, 272 pp. - [45. [216]-226]
Literature type: Monographs
Language: English
Thematic areas: Biography, Commentary of works, Reception history
Subject: E
Subject (individuals): Boulainvilliers, Henri de ; Lamy, François ; Wittich, Christoph ; Nieuwentyt [Nieuwentijdt], Bernhard
Autopsy: yes
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