Spinoza, Benedetto [Spinoza, Baruch de]:
Etica e Trattato teologico-politico
A cura di Remo Cantoni, Franco Fergnani, M. Brunelli e S. Rizzo
Torino : Utet, 1972. - 748 pp. - (Classici della filosofia ; 10).
First edition in the original language: Lateinisch/Latin: TTP (1670) ; E in: Opera posthuma (1677)
Other editions / translations: Zuerst/first (E): 1911
Erneut/again: Etica: 1988 // 2007
Literature type: Selected works of Spinoza
Language: Italian
Thematic areas: Ethics, Philosophy of politics and law
Subject: E, TTP
Reviews: Fabro, C. (1973)
English commentary: Cantoni, Remo: Introduzione
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=13646&LANG=EN
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