Segal, Gideon; Yovel, Yirmiyahu (Hrsg./Ed.):
Edited by Gideon Segal and Yirmiyahu Yovel
Aldershot [e.a.] : Ashgate, 2002. - XXII, 502 pp. - (The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy).
Works contained: Aquila, Richard E. ; Bennett, Jonathan ; Carr, Spencer ; Collier, Andrew ; Cook, Thomas J. ; Curley, Edwin E. ; De Dijn, Hermann ; Della Rocca, Michael ; Frankena, William K. ; Giancotti, Emilia ; Harris, Errol E. ; Jarrett, Charles ; Kulstad, Mark A. ; Matheron, Alexandre ; Radner, Daisy ; Ravven, Heidi M. ; Rice, Lee C. ; Rosenthal, Michael A. ; Segal, Gideon ; Segal, Gideon; Yovel, Yirmiyahu ; Steinberg, Diane ; Wilson, Margeret D. ; Yovel, Yirmiyahu , ; Zellner, Harold ,
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: English
Thematic areas: Metaphysics / ontology, Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Ethics, Philosophy of politics and law, Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion
Subject: Complete Works
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: The links point to earlier publications of the single articles.
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