Zac, Sylvain:
Le Spinoza de Martial Geroult I
In: Revue de Synthèse 61-64 (1971), 251-279
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again in: Zac (1979)
Literature type: Reviews
Language: French
Thematic areas: Commentary of works, Metaphysics / ontology, Reception history
Subject: E
Subject (individuals): Gueroult, Martial
Works reviewed: Gueroult, Martial: Spinoza. [Bd./Vol 1]: Dieu (Ethique I). - Paris : Aubier-Montaigne, 1968. - 621 pp. - (Analyse et Raison ; 12)
Complete bibliographic evaluation: yes
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: Le Spinoza de Martial Geroult II (1975)
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