Lloyd, Genevieve (Hrsg./Ed.):
Spinoza. Critical assessments : Bd./Vol. 4: The reception and influence of Spinoza's philosophy
Edited by Genevieve Lloyd
London [e.a.] : Routledge, 2001. - xviii, 370 pp.
Works contained: Allison, Henry E. ; Baier, Annette C. ; Blair, R.G. ; Brann, Henry Walter ; Brykman, Geneviève ; Den Uyl, Douglas J. ; Fóti, Véronique M. ; Harris, Errol Eustace ; Houle, K[aren] L.F. ; Klever, Wim ; Lai, Yuen-Ting ; Lloyd, Genevieve ; Moreau, Pierre-François ; Morrison, J[ames] C. ; Naess, Arne ; ; Parkinson, G[eorge] H[enry] R[adcliffe] ; ; Pietersma, Henry ; Preus, J[ames] Samuel ; Radner, Daisie ; Schacht, Richard
(Die Links verweisen auf frühere Veröffentlichungen der einzelnen Beiträge/the links point to earlier publications of the single articles.)
First edition in the original language: Lat: TTP (1670) ; E, TP in: Opera Posthuma (1677)
Literature type: Edited collections
Language: English
Thematic areas: Reception history
Subject: E, TP, TTP
Subject (individuals): Bayle, Pierre; Malebranche, Nicolas; Mandeville, Bernard; Vico, Giambattista; Wolff, Christian; Hume, David; Kant, Immanuel; Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Schopenhauer, Arthur; Nietzsche, Friedrich; Joachim, Harold H.; Freud, Sigmund; Sartre, Jean-Paul; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Reviews: Fernández Garcia, Eugenio (2002)
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: Spinoza. Critical assessments:
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=12731&LANG=EN
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