Literature type | Individual works of Spinoza |
Author | Spinoza, Baruch de |
Title | ħeker elohah im torat ha'adam [Research of God with the theory of man] |
Editor | hebräisch übersetzt nebst ausführlicher Einleitung und erklärenden Noten ... von S. Rubin |
Editor (surname first) | Rubin, Salomon (Einl., Übers., Anm./Pref., Transl., Notes) |
Place published | Wien |
Year | 1885 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | XIV, 288 |
Language | Hebrew |
Thematic areas | Metaphysics / ontology, Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind |
Subject | E |
First edition in the original language | Lateinisch/Latin in: Opera posthuma (1677) |
Other editions / translations | Erneut/again: 1924 |
Autopsy | no |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | no |
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