Akkerman, Fokke ; Hubbeling, Hubertus Gesinus:
The preface to Spinoza's posthumous works 1677 and its author Jarig Jelles : (c. 1619/20-1683)
In: Lias 6 (1979), 103-173
First edition in the original language: Jelligs Vorwort/Jellig's preface:
Lateinisch/Latin: (1677)
Niederländisch/Dutch. (1677)
Other editions / translations: Erneut/Again in: Akkerman, Fokke: Studies in the posthumous works of Spinoza (1980)
Literature type: Articles
Language: English, Latin, Dutch
Thematic areas: Textual criticism, Biography
Subject: Ep., Complete Works
Subject (individuals): Jelles, Jarig
Autopsy: yes
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=11189&LANG=EN
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