Yakira, Elhanan:
Études spinozistes en Israël
In: Cahiers Spinoza : Numéro 3 ; Hiver 1979-80 - Paris : Éditions Réplique, 1980: [271]-277.
Contains bibliography: 275-277
Literature type: Articles
Language: French
Thematic areas: Reception history
Subject (individuals): Yovel, Yirmiyahu; Mendès-Flore, P.; Schweid, E.; Roth, Léon; Bergmann, H.; Ben Shlomo, Yosef; Brinker, Menachem; Sigad, Ran; Rothenstreich, Nathan
Autopsy: yes
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=10725&LANG=EN
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