Savan, David:
Spinoza and language
In: Studies in Spinoza : critical and interpretive essays / edited by S. Paul Kashap. - Berkeley [e.a.] : University of California Press, 1972: 236-248.
Contains bibliography: 351-355
Other editions / translations: Vorher/previous in: The Philosophical Review 67 (1958): 212-225
Erneut/again in: Spinoza. A collection of critical essays / edited by Marjorie Grene. - New York : Anchor Books, 1973. - xviii, 390 pp.
Literature type: Articles
Language: English
Thematic areas: Epistemology / methodology / philosophy of mind, Language / philosophy of language
Subject: E
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: A version of this paper was read to the meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, held at Boston University, December, 27-29, 1955.
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