Balibar, Etienne:
Spinoza: La crainte des masses
In: Spinoza nel 350° anniversario della nascita = Proceedings of the first Italian international congress on Spinoza : Atti del Congresso (Urbino 4-8 ottobre 1982) / A cura di Emilia Giancotti. - Napoli : Bibliopolis, 1985: [293]-320. - (Saggi Bibliopolis ; 19)
Other editions / translations: Erneut/again: Weiter entwickelte Fassung unter dem Titel/further elaborated version, entitled: Spinoza, l'anti-Orwell : la crainte des masses (1985)
Literature type: Articles
Language: French
Thematic areas: Philosophy of politics and law
Subject: E, TP, TTP
Autopsy: yes
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