Literature type | Individual works of Spinoza |
Author | [Spinoza, Benedictus de] |
Title | Tractatus Theologico-Politicus |
Subtitle | Continens Dissertationes aliquot ; quibus ostenditur libertatem philosophandi non tantum salva pietate, et reipublicae pace posse concedi ; sed eandem nisi cum pace reipublicae, ipsaque pietate tolli non posse. [...] |
Place published | Hamburgi [i.e. Amsterdam] |
Publisher | Künrath [i.e. Rieuwertsz] |
Year | 1670 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | [6], 233, [1] |
Language | Latin |
Thematic areas | Philosophy of politics and law |
Subject | TTP |
Other editions / translations |
Erneut/Again: 1672 // 1673 // 1674 // nach/after 1677 [nach/after 1677]: Französisch/French (1678) Deutsch/German (1787/93) Engl. (1689) Niederl./Dutch (1694) Span. (1878) Ungarisch/Hungarian (1905) Russ. (1906) Dänisch/Danish [nur Vorw./only pref.] (2004) Ital. (2007) Türkisch/Turkish (2008) |
Reviews |
Anonymus (1708) Anonymus (1748) Polak, Arthur (1968) |
Autopsy | yes |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | no |
German commentary | Anonyme Erstveröffentlichung des TTP. |
English commentary | Anonymous first edition of the TTP. |
URL | |
Link to this page | |
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