Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

Quick Search

Report bibliographic entry
Report bibliographic correction



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The design is optimised for screen resolutions from 800x600 upwards. The use of stylesheets throughout the site should ensure full functionality and an acceptable presentation on most devices and with most viewing preferences. In browsers such as Firefox and Mozilla you can adjust font sizes using Ctrl +/- or Ctrl and your mouse wheel respectively. A printer friendly layout is automatically produced upon printing with these browsers.

External links are generally opened in a new browser window.

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The home page shows a brief overview of the services on offer. Using links within the text and the navigation element at the top, which is always available, you are able to easily reach any part of the Spinoza Bibliography.

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Language Selection (German / English)

You can choose between the German and English version of the site. The language selection can be made via the menu entryEnglish Version / Deutsche Version.

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Quick Search / Full Text Search

The quick search function is always available at the top right hand side of the site. It permits a quick and easy search for database entries on the basis of a key word (such as a name of a certain term). You can search the entire database effortlessly for instances of the search term used. If you use the search term Goethe for example, the result will display all titles from the author or editor Goethe, all titles featuring the name Goethe in the title or subtitle, all titles featuring the name in the commentary and all titles where Goethe is the subject (even if he does not feature in the title).

Special Features and Metacharacters in Text Searches

The following characters have special relevance in all text boxes:

The asterisk (*) is a so-called wildcard character. It can be used in place of a consecutive series of characters of any length (including a zero length / no characters). It can therefore replace entire parts of word but cannot span more than one word.

Wildcards are especially useful in cases of different varieties or inconsistent spelling of a name or term: Goethe and Göthe are treated as different terms, G*the can, however, be used to find both versions.
The character * is automatically appended to all search terms not otherwise marked. Searching for Goe will therefore turn up results for both Goethe as well as Goetschel. This can be useful if you are trying to find not only Goethe but also Goethe's or Goetheian. You can suppress this search behaviour by enclosing your search terms in quotation marks (see below). This results in all term demarcations being respected and avoids, to use the above example, that searching for G*the brings up results for Günther or Gotthelf.

Under normal conditions, a search will only return results that contain all of the search terms, i.e. a normal search will perform an "AND" operation. Should you wish to search in a more differentiated fashion, you can modify the search logic using the following metacharacters:

The logic operator | connects two terms using an "OR" operation. The simple search Goethe Kant finds all titles containing Goethe and Kant. If you enter Goethe|Kant, however, the search will turn up all titles containing Goethe or Kant (or both). You could also use Goethe | Kant or Goethe OR Kant. Using the version without spaces underlines, however, that the search is intended for the two neighbouring terms only.
The minus sign can be prepended to a search term to exclude all titles containing this particular term. If you want to search for all publications of Ursula Goldenbaum which do not deal with Leibniz, you can search for Goldenbaum -Leibniz. This is equivalent to a logic negation, i.e. the operatior "AND NOT". As an alternative, you can use the redundant versions NOT or AND NOT.

The order in which the search terms are entered does not normally make a difference; the terms are individually searched for and spaces are ignored or interpreted as separators.

If you are looking for a specific series of characters, including spaces ("exact phrase match"), you need to enclose them in quotation marks (""). This is useful if you are trying to isolate one particular title, the exact name of which is known.

The logic operators outlined above can also be applied to search terms enclosed in quotation marks (e.g. Goethe work -"Goethes works").

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Search brings you to a very detailed form which permits highly sophisticated search queries. One advantage here is the possibility of numerous different combinations of terms. All text boxes support the meta characters outlined above under "Quick Search".

  1. On the left hand side of the search form you are able to select whether the search terms are to be treated as being AND or OR operations. Please note that the operation AND is more restrictive than OR. In many ways it corresponds to the algorithmic order of operations rule (precedence of multiplication and division before addition and subtraction), e.g. A and B or C will be interpreted as condition A and condition B simultaneously or condition C (or both).
  2. In the first three search rows you can specify Author/Editor, Title/Subtitle and Subject (individuals) to search for. You are not required to stick to the default settings: if you click on the grey arrow next to the field Title / Subtitle you can change the setting to Author / Editor or Subject (individuals). For example this permits searching for the following combination: Author: Fischer and Subject (individuals): Fichte|Schelling to return all titles by Kuno Fischer that deal with Fichte or Schelling.
  3. Using the section Literature type, you can limit your search to monographs or edited collections. You can select more than one option by keeping Ctrl pressed when selecting. The grey arrows on the right hand side let you scroll up and down.
  4. Thematic areas permits a subject restriction of the search results. This is useful if you are only looking for titles from, for example, the areas epistemology or literature and art. You can select the areas in the same way as described in literature type above. Again, multiple selections are possibly by keeping the Ctrl button pressed.
  5. Languages permits restricting search results to a specific language. The selection procedure is the same as in literature type and thematic area.
  6. You can restrict your search to a certain year or a particular period. Using Year/period of publication you can enter a certain year. Entering 1933-1945 brings back results from these years only. If you are looking for all titles from 1950 onwards you could enter 1950-2099.
  7. At the end of the search form (below the horizontal line) you can select options that influence how your search results are displayed. You can select alphabetic ordering by author, editor, title or year. You can further select how many titles are to be shown per page and whether you prefer a concise short view or a more detailed view.

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Search Results

Search form options for displaying search results

You can sort your search results either by author or by year of publication. You can also change the number of search results shown per page.

The default display mode is the concise view as it is more clearly laid out. You have the option to display a more detailed view for each search result in the list of matches. Alternatively, you can select to see a detailed view before sending your search query by selecting Detailed View (complete).

Print version

The function Print version shows a complete list of your search results optimised for printing (as opposed to the per-page display of search results on screen) in a new window. Should you wish to print your search result you can click Print version in your search results. You can then choose whether to print all matches in concise or detailed view.

All portions of the site are generated in a "printer friendly" way when sent to a printer (use your browser's print preview function if needed). The separate link Print version is intended to aid the distinction between the print version on one page and the normal screen view, which is browsed on separated pages for ease of use. To limit page length and conserve server resources, the function is no longer available when the search results consist of too many matches (i.e. several hundred).

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Detailed View

Detailed view shows a summarised view of all pertinent data of an entry. By clicking on Table view you can look at the full "raw" data.

Cross references within an entry are converted to direct links to the detaild view of the referenced entry. Author and title of the reference are abridged. Browsers such as Firefox show the long title when hovering with the mouse pointer.

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Recent Entries

As an additional service, the recent entries section shows a list of all titles which have been added to the database, corrected or expanded in the last few months. As this list can be substantial you may experience longer load times.

In order to navigate within the list you can select one of the linked literature types. The list of recent entries is by default shown in concise view mode. You can look at individual titles in detailed view, if desired.

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The editorial gives a concise overview of the background to the Spinoza Bibliography and its online version.

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Report Bibliographic Entry

If you want to report a bibliographic entry which is not yet in our database you can use this form. Please complete all individual fields with the relevant bibliographic data.

To classify an entry thematically, the following thematic areas are available:

Multiple classification is possible.

If you wish to contribute to the speedy inclusion of your submission in the database, we would ask you to adhere to the conventions for inclusion, provided in the annex.

At the end of the form we ask for further optional information about yourself in order to be able to get in touch with you in case of any questions.

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Report Bibliographic Correction

If you discover inaccuracies or incomplete information in our database you can use this form to correct the data. In order to find the data to be corrected you need to provide the information asked for in this form.

At the end of the form we ask for further optional information about yourself in order to be able to get in touch with you in case of any questions.

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