Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Cankaya Eksen, Gaye:
Spinoza et Sartre : L'articulation de l'éthique et de las politique chez Spinoza et Sartre ; de la politique des singularitées à lethique de générosité

Paris : Classiques Garnier, 2017. - 293 pp. - Paris: Université Paris I, Diss., 2013 [Titel/title: L'articulation de l'éthique et de la politique chez Spinoza et Sartre]

Works contained: Jaquet, Chantal: Préface
Contains bibliography: 273-286
Contains summary in: English

Literature type: Monographs
Language: French
Thematic areas: Philosophy of politics and law, Comparison of theories
Subject (individuals): Sartre, Jean-Paul

English commentary: "In the origin of the present study lies a passage from Alexandre Matheron's book Individu et communauté chez Spinoza, where a highly interesting question incites the reader to reflect on the articulation of ethics and politics through a comparative study of Spinoza's and Jean-Paul Sartre's practical philosophies. In the present work, Matheron's question will constitute the point of departure of a reflection on the possibility of establishing a parallelism between the philosophies of Spinoza and Sartre. By proposing a negative answer to it, we will make a categorical distinction between Sartre's and Hobbes' political theories. To the existent that we will distinguish Sartre's political theory from classical contractualism, we will be able to emphasize the points of contact between the Sartrian and Spinozian standpoints, which, in our opinion, share a common anticontractualist basis. Throughout this comparative study, a detailed analysis of the moment of the organization of political society will be presented, with a view to disclose a particular way of articulating politics and ethics that is common to both of these philosophers who seems radically different at first glance." (abstract)

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