Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Merchant, Carolyn:
Autonomous Nature : Problems of Prediction and Control from Ancient Times to the Scientific Revolution

New York [e.a.] : Routledge, 2016. - XIII, 196 pp.

Contains bibliography: [169]-181
Mention of Spinoza: Part II. Controlling Nature. 5. Natural Law: Spinoza on 'Natura naturans' and 'Natura naturata': 101-124 ; ferner/further: 12, 13, 84, 97, 126, 128, 129

Literature type: Monographs
Language: English
Thematic areas: Biography, Metaphysics / ontology, Logic and mathematics, Philosophy of nature, Theory of society, Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Previous history (e.g. Descartes, Stoicism), Contemporaries and context, Reception history
Subject: Ep., KV, PPC/CM, TTP
Subject (individuals): Descartes, René ; Einstein, Albert ; Sessions, George ; Toland, John

Autopsy: yes
English commentary: "I argue that Spinoza developed a rational system of philosophy that militated against chaotic, unruly nature and for the idea of a rational society based on natural law and a rational cosmos described by the laws of nature as applied to the universe as a whole." (p. 101)

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