Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Giancotti, Emilia; Matheron, Alexandre; Walther, Manfred (Hrsg./Ed.):
Spinoza's Philosophy of Society

Special Editorial Team: E. Giancotti, A. Matheron, M. Walther

Alling : Walther & Walther, 1985. - 476 pp. - (Studia Spinozana ; 1).

Works contained: Albiac, Gabriel ; Balibar, Etienne ; Berkel, K. van ; Blom, Hans ; ; Brague, Rémi ; Chaui, Marilena ; Cristofolini, Paolo ; Dijn, Herman de ; ; Domínguez, Atilano ; Giancotti, Emilia ; ; Hammacher, Klaus ; Kerkhoven, J. M. ; Klever, Wim ; ; Matheron, Alexandre ; ; ; Mignini, Filippo ; # 8595# ; Moreau, Pierre-François ; ; ; ; ; Negri, Antonio ; Niewöhner, Friedrich ; Osier, Jean-Pierre ; Petry, Michael ; Rice, Lee C. ; ; Suchtelen, Guido van ; Tosel, André ; Uyl, Douglas J. den ; Wal, G.A. van der ; Walther, Manfred ; ; ; Yovel, Yirmiyahu

Literature type: Edited collections
Language: German, English, French, Italian
Thematic areas: Theory of society, Philosophy of politics and law, Reception history

Reviews: Pedrero Sancho, L. Ignacio (1985)
Bartuschat, Wolfgang (1986)
Lagrée, Jacqueline (1986)
Madanes, Leiser (1986)
Luhmann, Niklas (1987)
Osier, Jean-Pierre (1987)
Santinelli, Cristina (1987)
Altwicker, Norbert (1987)
Parkinson, G[eorge] H[enry] R[adcliffe] (1987)
Haitsma Mulier, Eco O.G. (1988)
Goyard-Fabre, Simone (1988)

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Autopsy: yes

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