Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Spinoza, Benedictus de:
Opera : 4 Bde./Vol.

I. A. d. Heidelberger Akademie d. Wissenschaften hg. v. Carl Gebhardt

Heidelberg : Winter, 1925. - Vol. 1: (I), 631 ; Vol. 2: (I), 392 ; Vol. 3: (I), 431 ; Vol. 4: (I), 447 pp.

Works contained: Bd. 1: Korte Verhandeling van God, de mensch en de zelfs welstand / Renati Des Cartes principiorum philosophiae Pars I. & II. / Cogitata methaphysica / Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae. Bd. 2: Tractatus de intellectus emendatione / Ethica. Bd. 3: Tractatus theologico-politicus / Adnotationes ad tractatum theologico politicum / Tractatus politicus. Bd. 4: Epistolae / Stelkonstige reeckening van den regenboog / Reeckening van kanssen.
First edition in the original language: Lateinisch/Latin:
PPC/CM: 1663
TTP: 1670 [TTP-Adnotationes: 1802 ]
E, Ep., TIE, TP: 1677
KV: 1869
SRR, RK: 1687
Other editions / translations: Vorher/Previous [Andere Ausgabe/different edition]: 1868/71 // 2. Aufl., unveränd. Nachdr. d. Ausg. von 1925. - 1972 // Elektron. Ausg./electronic ed. - InteLex Past Masters Online (s. URL)

Literature type: Complete works of Spinoza
Language: Latin, Dutch
Subject: Complete Works

Reviews: Menzer, Paul (1927) //
Guzzo, Augusto (1926)

Autopsy: yes
English commentary: Supplementary Volume: Opera V : Supplementa / hrsg. [...] von Carl Gebhardt. - Heidelberg : Winter, 1987 ; Annotations on the editorial history: Klein, Judith N. (2007) URL: http://www.nlx.com/collections/115

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