Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 19620
Literature type Articles
Author Fraenkel, Carlos
Title On the concept and history of philosophical religion
Title of magazine / anthology Nature and Scripture in the Abrahemitic Religions : Up to 1700 [2 vols. in 1]
Editor (surname first) Meer, Jitse M. van der ; Mandelbrote, Scott (Hrsg./eds.)
Place published London [e.a.]
Publisher Brill
Year 2008
Pages in total (of the volume) 603
Mention of Spinoza 69-76 [vol. 1]: The apparent paradox of Spinoza
Language English
Thematic areas Theology / biblical hermeneutics / philosophy of religion, Previous history (e.g. Descartes, Stoicism), Contemporaries and context
Subject TTP
Subject (individuals) Averroes ; Delmedigo, Elijah ; Meijer [Meyer], Lodewijk
Autopsy yes
Complete bibliographic evaluation yes
German commentary Der Abschnitt über Spinoza ist eine Zusammenfassung von Frankel, Carlos (2008)
"The apparent paradox of Spinoza is that he appears to advocate both the view of Averroes - that the truth of Scripture does not contradict the truth of philosophy - and the view, later adopted by Enlightenment critics of religion, that one would search in vain in Scipture for the true doctrines demonstrated in philosophy." (p. 70)
English commentary The section on Spinoza summarizes the article Fraenkel, Carlos (2008)
"The apparent paradox of Spinoza is that he appears to advocate both the view of Averroes - that the truth of Scripture does not contradict the truth of philosophy - and the view, later adopted by Enlightenment critics of religion, that one would search in vain in Scipture for the true doctrines demonstrated in philosophy." (p. 70)
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