Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Cuffeler, Abraham Johannes [Küffelaer, Abraham Johann]:
Specimen Artis Ratiocinandi naturalis & artificialis Ad Pantosophiae Principia manuducens

Hamburg [recte: Amsterdam] : Künrath [recte: Rieuwertsz], 1684. - 10 [Bl], 258, 1 [Bl.]

Mention of Spinoza: s. Kommentar/v. commentary

Literature type: Monographs
Language: Latin
Thematic areas: Metaphysics / ontology, Logic and mathematics, Anthropology / psychology / doctrine of affections / body and mind, Contemporaries and context
Subject (individuals): Blyenbergh, Willem van; Verwer, Adriaan Wittich, C.

Reviews: Anonymus (1748)

English commentary: "On the whole, the 'Specimen' delivers an extremely well-informed introduction to the main tenets of Spinozism, while it also attempts to counter the objections raised to Spinoza's writings by such critics as Willem van Blyenbergh" (Wiep van Bunge, 2003).
The two continuations - Principiorum pantosophiae pars secunda: Exhibens vias quas corpus motum describit, & inde ortas proprietates [...]. - Hamburg : Künrath, 1684. - 5 [Bl.], 229 S., und Principiorum pantosophiae pars tertia: Exhibens Effectus quos corpora mota in se invicem producunt [...]. - Hamburg : Künrath, 1984. - 6 [Bl.], 140, 12 [Bl.] - are also "a very interesting attempt to create [...] a Spinozist physics on the basis of a critical analysis of Descartes' use of the principle of 'inertia'" (van Bunge).

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