Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Bouillier, Francisque Cyrille:
Histoire et critique de la révolution Cartésienne

Lyon : Boitel, 1842. - VII, 448 pp.

Mention of Spinoza: Spinosa [sic]: 201-235; Rapports de la philosophie de Malebranche avec la philosophie de Descartes et Spinosa: 263-267; ferner/further: 14, 130-131, 164, 173, 250, [255], 258, 274-275, [284], 285, 292-293, 304-305, 410, 419, 424, 509, 518, 583
Other editions / translations: Erneut unter d. Titel/again entitled: Histoire de la philosophie Cartésienne. - Paris : Durand [e.a.], 1854. - VIII, 616 pp. - Spinoza: Chapitre XV-XIX: 299-468; ferner/further: 15, 27, 32, 33, 51, 52, 59, 77, 88, 106, 135, 141, 229, 470, 510, 538, 548, 559, 580, 609 // 3. éd. in 2 vols. - Belgrave, 1868 // 3. Aufl. Bruxelles, 1969 // Reprograph. Nachdr. d. 3. Aufl. - Hildesheim [e.a.] : Olms, 1972 // New York : Garland, 1987

Literature type: History of disciplines, encyclopaedias, manuals
Language: French
Thematic areas: Overall view / introduction, Previous history (e.g. Descartes, Stoicism), Contemporaries and context
Subject: E, TTP
Subject (individuals): Descartes, René ; Malebranche, Nicolas

Autopsy: yes
URL: http://www.mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10045283-2

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