Spinoza Bibliography

Published by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. and directed by Manfred Walther

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Eintrag Nr. 1168
Literature type Complete works of Spinoza
Author Spinoza, Benedictus de
Author (family name first) Spinoza, Baruch de
Title Opera quae supersunt omnia [3 Vol. + Supplementum]
Subtitle Ex editionibus principibus denuo edidit et praefatus est Carolus Hermannus Bruder
Editor (surname first) Bruder, Carolus Hermannus [Carl Hermann] (Hrsg./Ed.)
Place published Leipzig
Publisher Tauchnitz
Year 1843-46; 1862 [Supplementum]
Pages in total (of the volume) 1: XXXVIII,416 ; 2: XIV,354 ; 3: XVIII,402 ; Supplementum: V, 360
Works contained Vol. 1: Praefatio [Bruder]: III-XXXVIII, I. Renati Des Cartes Principia Philosophiae more Geometrico Demonstrata: 1-98, Appendix. Cogitata Metaphysica: 99-148, II. Ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata: 149-416 ; Vol. II: Praefatio [Bruder]: III-XIV, III. Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione: 1-42, IV: Tractatus Politicus: 43-136, V. Epistolae: 137-354 ; Vol. III: Praefatio [Bruder]: III-XVIII, VI. Tractatus Theologico Politicus: 1-271, VII. Compendium Grammatices Linguae Hebraeae: 273-402 ; Vol. IV [Supplementum]: Tractatum hucusque ineditum de deo et homine, Tractatulum de iride, Epistolas nonullas ineditas, et ad eas vitamque philosophi collectanea
Language Latin
Subject CG, E, Ep., PPC/CM, TIE, TP, TTP
First edition in the original language Lateinisch/Latin:
PPC/CM: 1663
TTP: 1670
CG, E, Ep., TIE, TP: 1677
Other editions / translations Vorher/Previous: 1802/03
Deutsch/German: 1841 // 1868/71
Reviews Anonymus (1848)
Kroeger (1875)
Autopsy yes
Complete bibliographic evaluation no
URL http://vol. 1: http://faculty.umb.edu/gary_zabel/Courses/Spinoza/Texts/Benedicti_de_Spinoza_Opera_quae_supersun.pdf
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