Literature type | Monographs |
Author | Balibar, Étienne |
Title | Spinoza and Politics |
Editor | Transl. by Peter Snowdon |
Editor (surname first) | Snowdon, Peter (Übers./Transl.) |
Place published | London [e.a.] |
Publisher | Verso Verl. |
Year | 1998 |
Pages in total (of the volume) | XXIV, 136 |
Series ; volume | Radical Thinkers ; 27 |
Works contained | Montag, Warren: Preface: VII-XX |
Language | English |
Thematic areas | Philosophy of politics and law |
Subject | E, TP, TTP |
First edition in the original language |
Französisch/French (1985) Italienisch/Italien: Spinoza e la politica. - Roma : Manifestolibri, 1996 |
Other editions / translations | Erneut/again: 2008 Türkisch/Turkish (2004) |
Reviews |
James, Susan (1999) Bernstein, Jeffrey A[lan] (2000) Kochin, M[ichael] S[halom] (2001) Williams, Caroline (2002) Reitz, Tilman (2005) in: [der frz. Ausg./of the French ed.]: Cristofolini, Paolo (1986) |
Autopsy | no |
Complete bibliographic evaluation | no |
URL | http://[Inhaltsverzeichnis/Contents]: |
Link to this page | |
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