Pollock, Frederick:
Spinoza : His Life and Philosophy
London : Kegan Paul, 1880. - 467, [29]
Works contained: The life of Benedict de Spinoza / Written by John Colerus, Minister of the Lutheran Church, at the Hague. - London : Bragg, 1706 [Facs.]: [411]-443
Other editions / translations: Zuerst/first: Colerus, John: The life of Benedict de Spinoza (1706)
Erneut/again [Pollock]: 2. ed. - London : Duckworth, 1899. - XXIV, 427 pp. // [Second edition corrected]. - 1912 // [Repr. von/of 1899]. - New York : American Scholar Publ., 1966 // Repr. of the 1899 edition: Nabu Press, 2013
Portugiesisch/Portuguese [Auszüge/Extracts] in: Vasconcellos, Caroline Michaelis de: Uriel da Costa : Notas relativas a sua vida e suas obras (1922)
Literature type: Monographs
Language: English
Thematic areas: Biography, Overall view / introduction
Subject: Complete Works
Subject (individuals): Hobbes, Thomas (314-320)
Reviews: Stephen, Leslie (1880)
Lagneau, Jules (1882)
Upton, Charles B. (1882)
N. A. (1881)
Latta, Roberto (1899) (Ausg./ed. 1899)
Autopsy: yes
English commentary: See also: Pollock (1935)
Vloten, Johannes van (1880) URL: http://archive.org/details/cu31924014600278
Link to this page: http://spinoza.hab.de/detail.php?id=1571&LANG=EN
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