Spinoza Bibliografie

Hrsg. von der Spinoza-Gesellschaft e.V. unter Leitung von Manfred Walther


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Barker, Jason:
Missed encounter : althusser-mao-spinoza

In: Angelaki : Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 20, 4 (2015), 71-89

Spinoza-Erwähnung: passim

Literatursorte: Aufsätze
Sprache: englisch
Sachgebiete: Rezeptionsgeschichte, Materialismus / Marxismus
Behandelte Personen: Althusser, Louis ; Mao Tse-tung

Kommentar deutsch: "This paper considers the trajectory of Althusser's Spinozism pre- and post-May '68. Where Althusser's application of Spinoza would lead him into unknown or non-Marxist territory, one alternative way to think this relation is through the figure of Mao, whose concept of non-antagnistic contradiction I propose to read in terms of Spinoza's 'determinate negaton'. Although not going so far as to suggest that a certain combination of Mao and Spinoza would have enabled Althusser to 'complete' Marx, this paper precualtes on this ommision" (abstract).

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